Loyola Institute for Ministry

The Loyola Institute for Ministry (LIM) offers the following undergraduate degree program & certificate. 


Bachelor of Arts in Ministry & Theology

The online Bachelor of Arts in Ministry and Theology is a 120-credit hour degree program. Applicants must have 2 or more years of verifiable service or ministry experience. 

Students will complete Loyola Core requirements, Religious Studies major and concentration requirements, adjunct courses in language, and general electives. Completion of this academic program requires a 2.0 GPA in the major curriculum and a 2.0 GPA in the Loyola cumulative curriculum. All major courses must be completed in the Religious Studies department unless an exception is allowed by the department chair. 

  • Overview of requirements: 120 credit hours (crs) required for completion
    • Loyola Core: 36 crs
    • Ministry & Theology major: 30 crs
    • General Electives: 54 crs
  • Loyola Core: All Ministry & Theology majors complete the full scope of the Loyola Core with 36 crs in Loyola Core requirement areas. Modifications include waiving the First-Year Seminar requirement. 
  • Ministry & Theology majors complete 30 crs of coursework for this area. These courses include: 
    • RELM A300 Introduction to Ministry
    • RELM A370 Christ and the Christian Tradition
    • Choose one of the following courses: 
      • RELS S249 Old Testament as Literature
      • RELS S247 New Testament as Literature
      • RESM A338 Introduction to the Bible for Ministry
    • Choose one of the following courses:
      • RELS A255 Gospels of Jesus
      • RELS A300 Letters of Paul: Radical Faith
      • RELS A315 Gospel of John
      • RELS S220 Biblical Literature in the Medieval Context
      • RELS S336 Parables of Jesus
    • Choose one of the following courses: 
      • RELS S242 Christian Ethics
      • RELM A344 Ethics for Ministers
    • RELM A330 Church and Sacraments
    • Choose one of the following courses: 
      • RELS A305 Theology of Liberation
      • RELS A368 Christianity & the Environment
      • RELS A441 Psychology of Religion
      • RELS S238 Christianity & Liberation
      • RELS S343 Women in Christianity
      • RELS S344 Social Policy & the Christian
      • RELM A400 Religious Education in Theory & Practice
    • RELM A430 Ministry and Culture
    • RELM A496 Senior Seminar
  • General Electives: Ministry & Theology majors are required to complete 54 crs of general electives to complete the Bachelor of Arts program. Students can satisfy these requirements with any Loyola courses they are eligible to take which are not already required in the Loyola Core, Major, or Adjunct curriculums. For students pursuing a double major or an academic minor, the curriculum for those programs would be assigned from the credits required for General Electives.
  • RELM Degree Program Course Listing (DPCL). The DPCL serves as a helpful checklist of requirements for each program. Use this form in consultation with your advisor to plan your schedule.

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Certificate in Catholic Social Teaching

The online Certificate in Catholic Social Teaching is a 12-credit hour program consisting of four courses. Students may elect to continue their studies at Loyola beyond the 12 credits of this certificate. 

If students elect to continue their studies at Loyola beyond the 12 credit hours, earned credits from the Certificate in Catholic Social Teaching can be applied toward a BA in Ministry and Theology or to any other Loyola degree if they fulfill requirements, including as electives.

Students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher in Loyola coursework to complete this program. 

Certificate requirements include: 

  • RELM A300 Introduction to Ministry
  • RELM A370 Christ and the Christian Tradition
  • RELM A346 Catholic Social Teaching
  • RELM A496 Senior Seminar
  • Catholic Social Teaching Course Tracking Sheet. The tracking sheet serves as a helpful checklist of requirements for each program. Use this form in consultation with your advisor to plan your schedule.

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